26 January 2021

On today’s show, Preston interviews USC finance professor and the author of Layered Money, Nik Bhatia. Nik provides his thoughts on how the global economy is adapting to new technology, and he also provides a history on how the layers of money have evolved to the point where we are today.



  • The history of Florentine Mint and how it changed European banking.
  • A background on double entry book keeping.
  • Counterparty risk and how it impacts markets.
  • The importance of Disciplinary Constraint in banking.
  • Thoughts on the Velocity of Money.
  • Thoughts on the governments’ ability to shut down Bitcoin.
  • What would make Nik change his mind about Bitcoin?
  • Nik’s thoughts on Bitcoin regulation.
  • What would a yield curve look like with Bitcoin?
  • Thoughts on the new administration.
  • Nik’s thoughts on the lightning network.


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  • Nik Bhatia’s new book, Layered Money.
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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh (00:00:02):
Hey everyone. Welcome to our Wednesday release of the podcast where we’re talking about Bitcoin. Today’s guest is Nik Bhatia. Nik is a CFA charter holder, who’s an adjunct professor of Finance at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business. Prior to teaching, Nik worked at the US Treasury’s trading desk for a large institutional asset manager, and has extensive experience in the market with interest rates and futures. Nik recently published the book, Layered Money. I was an enormous fan of this book, and so I’m really excited to be able to bring him onto the show to explore some of the thoughts and ideas that he presented there. So without further delay, here’s my interview with Nik.

Intro (00:00:41):
You’re listening to Bitcoin Fundamentals by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Now, for your host, Preston Pysh.

Preston Pysh (00:01:00):
All right. Hey everyone. Welcome to the show. I got Nik Bhatia here with me. And Nik, I’m just going to start off by saying, read your book, I absolutely loved this book and I know people that might follow me on Twitter can see that I’ve been talking about it. You crushed this thing and it is laid out in such a thoughtful way. It’s concise, where it needs to be concise. You go into detail, you provide so much historical context for how we arrived at where we’re at. I was learning a ton through this book, bravo. That’s all I can say. And welcome to the show.

Nik Bhatia (00:01:35):
Thanks a lot for having me, Preston. And thanks for your kind words about the book.

Preston Pysh (00:01:39):
So Nik, this is where I want to start because anybody who’s written a book knows that if you want to learn a subject, just start writing a book about it. And there’s a lot of learning for the author that takes place when you’re writing a book. So the thing I want to start off with is when you’re writing your book, Layered Money, what was the thing that when you look back at that experience that you’re saying, wow, that’s not maybe something that I expected to uncover or something that you just really kind of remember about the experience that you kind of had an aha moment or something like that.

Nik Bhatia (00:02:12):
Well, I’ve wanted to write a book about Bitcoin for about two years now, two to three years, but the aha moment came when I read an economic professor’s paper, the paper was titled The Inherent Hierarchy of Money by Professor Perry Mehrling, who’s an economics professor at Boston University. And when I read his paper, I realized that Bitcoin was going to be the first layer of money in the future in the same vein as this paper that this professor had written. And in that paper, gold was in the framework the first layer of money. And the paper was a theoretical framework for how money works and how a credit money system works. And I just saw Bitcoin in that role and I had already concluded that Bitcoin was digital gold, and I knew that the book would require a history of gold itself. But when I saw Bitcoin at the top of the hierarchy of money in the future, that was the moment when Layered Money started to come together as a story. That was at the end of 2019. So just over a year ago.

Preston Pysh (00:03:35):
Here’s the part that I loved about this, is you go into just this financial history and really explain how just currencies evolved on top of this. And you talk about how this layer of money starts getting stacked on top of gold. The first thing that really kind of piqued my interest when I was reading through, you start talking about the Florentine mint, and this is back in 1252, just explain the story, a little bit of context, the history of it, what it meant to Europe as this was taking place and just give us a little bit of a history lesson on this.


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