25 August 2018

On today’s show, we bring back our good friend, Jesse Felder. Jesse is a former multi-billion dollar hedge fund manager out of Santa Monica California. Jesse is regularly featured on the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and many other national level business outlets. We start off the discussion talking about gold and what lies ahead. As the show progresses we talk about the tariffs and the impact on the US Dollar. We talk Fang, we talk Elon Musk, and much more.


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  • Why the price of gold has dropped recently and why now might be the time to take a position.
  • Why a long time horizon is not a guarantee for good results in the stock market.
  • How macro is important but never should be the reason not to take a stock pick.
  • How to find investing opportunities in owner-operated companies that are systematically ignored by the indexes.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  0:02  

On today’s show, we are bringing back our good friend Jesse Felder. Jesse is a former multibillion-dollar hedge fund manager. He is also regularly featured on Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and many other national level business outlets. 

For anyone who has listened to our show in the past, they will quickly attest to Jesse’s incredible insights and depth of knowledge. Any time we can get access to Jesse and have a chat with him, Stig and I are always just so excited. 

Today, we’re going to start off the discussion talking about gold and what might lie ahead, as the show progresses. We will also talk a little bit more about the trade tariffs and what that might mean for the dollar. We will also discuss FAANG and Elon Musk. There is a whole range of topics here so just sit back, relax, and enjoy our latest discussion with the brilliant Jesse Felder.

Intro  0:52  

You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast where we study the financial markets and read the books that influenced self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh  1:11  

All right, we are so excited to have our good friend Jesse Felder back on the show. He runs an incredible blog called the Felder Report. We will put links to that in our show notes. 

Jesse, welcome back to the show. Stig and I are just thrilled to have you here.

Jesse Felder  1:28  

I’m excited to be here again. Always a pleasure to be with you guys.

Preston Pysh  1:31  

Jesse, I want to start off with a conversation that you and I had three or four months ago. I was looking at gold at that point in time and I felt we were getting ready to see it break through a barrier that it had been experiencing for almost three years now. 

You shared the sentiment with me then. You thought it was going to have this breakout move. Now, we’re only looking at the last four months but since those four months, we have been dead wrong. 

I’m kind of curious how you’re seeing things and why we are seeing gold take the direction that it has taken because I’m sure people listening to this are curious themselves.

Jesse Felder  2:14  

You are absolutely right. It was not a great call to people who have liked gold. However, I have been bullish on gold since late 2015. It was in mid-2015 when it went to its ultimate low. 

I have a longer-term timeframe. Looking at this thing, it’s been really interesting to me because the fundamental backdrop for gold is bullish and it has only gotten more bullish. 

By that, I mean you should look at the widening fiscal deficit. It is usually bearish for the dollar and bullish for gold over the long term. 

However, more specifically, I think a shorter-term indicator is inflation. [Inflation] has been rising and yields have not. [Therefore,] real yields have actually been falling which is usually bullish for gold. There are then a couple of divergences right now that I’m paying close attention to in gold.

One of those is real yields that are falling but which is usually bullish. Tips have been rallying for that reason and usually golden tips are highly correlated. That correlation has now broken down. 

What’s going on is gold has stopped paying attention to these things that it normally pays attention to. It’s been just following the Chinese yuan and the yuan has been in freefall lately versus the dollar. The gold price has been going one-for-one with the yuan lately. 

We can speculate on why that is. I really don’t have much of an idea and I don’t like to jump to those kinds of conclusions. However, we see gold because it doesn’t have any kind of a traditional fundamental foundation that it goes back and forth. Maybe you have been following the Japanese yen or what have you. It’s really narrative-driven. 

Right now, the narrative is the yuan is falling and taking gold with it.


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