29 November 2022

Rebecca Hotsko chats with Larry Swedroe. In this episode, they discuss Larry’s book “The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You’ll Ever Need”, why passive investing and diversification is key to a “Winning Investing Strategy”, why active strategies such as active management, stock picking and market timing are “losing strategies”, the shocking percentage of stocks that actually outperform the market, do markets value stocks correctly, why Warren Buffett’s outperformance can be explained by factors, how investors can improve their long run returns through factor investing, the 5 rules factors must meet to invest in them, how long you have to hold these investments to earn the expected premium, why all factor ETFs are not created equal and which are best to invest in, and so much more!   

Larry Swedroe is head of financial and economic research office for Buckingham Wealth Partners,  a Registered Investment Advisor firm in St. Louis, Mo.  Previously, Larry was vice chairman of Prudential Home Mortgage. Larry holds an MBA in finance and investment from NYU, and a bachelor’s degree in finance from Baruch College.

To help inform investors about the passive investment approach, he was among the first authors to publish a book that explained passive investing in layman’s terms — The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You’ll Ever Need (1998 and 2005). He has also authored 18 more books. He also writes for AdvisorPerspectives.com, AlphaArchitect.com, and TheEvidenceBasedInvestor.com.



  • The key to a winning investment strategy. 
  • What percentage of stocks actually outperform the market? 
  • Why active strategies such as active management, stock picking and market timing are “losing strategies”. 
  • Do markets value stocks correctly? 
  • Disentangling market efficiency with the concept of current valuation. 
  • How Warren Buffett’s outperformance can be explained by factors. 
  • How investors can improve their long run returns through factor investing. 
  • The 5 rules factors must meet to invest in them. 
  • How long you have to hold these investments to earn the expected premium?
  • Larry’s guide on how to think about allocating your portfolio between investing in US  equities vs International equities vs Emerging Market equities. 
  • Why all factor ETFs are not created equal and which are best to invest in. 
  • The 3 characteristics to look for when comparing factor ETFs. 
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:02] Larry Swedroe: The stock market. If you just bought and owned the market and reinvested any dividends over time, you would’ve gotten about a 10% return. Now, if you ask people, you know, if you bought an individual stock, what percent of them outperform? Most people would think, well, it’s probably 50/50, and it’s nowhere near that. Far fewer stocks beat the market than people think. In fact, here’s a number that’s probably going to shock you. Only 4% of all the stocks, one in 25 account for 100% of all the excess return of stocks. Now, what are the odds you are going to find those stocks and hold them for the entire time to make sure you capture those gains?

[00:00:55] Rebecca Hotsko: On today’s episode, I am joined by Larry Swedroe, who is the head of Financial [00:01:00] and Economic research for Buckingham Wealth Partners. Larry holds an MBA from NYU and a bachelor’s degree in finance from Baruch College. He’s also authored over 18 books and writes for Advisor Perspectives, Alpha Architect and Seeking Alpha.

[00:01:16] Rebecca Hotsko: During this episode, Larry and I talk all about his book, “The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You’ll Ever Need”. He covers what a winning investment strategy looks like, and he shares some really interesting research behind why active strategies like stock picking, market timing, and active management are losing strategies.

[00:01:37] Rebecca Hotsko: We also cover factor investing and how this strategy can be used to improve our expected returns over the long run, and the five rules factors must meet to invest in them, and even how Warren Buffet’s outperformance can be explained by exposure to these factors. I really enjoyed this conversation with Larry.

[00:01:56] Rebecca Hotsko: He is such an incredible teacher and leader in the space of evidence based investing. He puts out so much great content on just about every investment topic you can think of, and so I highly recommend checking out his articles by connecting with him on LinkedIn. As well as his books that I’ve linked in the show notes, they have truly helped me become a better investor, and I cannot recommend them enough.

[00:02:21] Rebecca Hotsko: So with that all said, I really hope you enjoy today’s episode. 

[00:02:26] Intro: You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko, interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

[00:02:48] Rebecca Hotsko: Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host, Rebecca Hotsko. And on today’s episode, I am joined by Larry Swedroe. Larry, welcome to the show. 

[00:02:59] Larry Swedroe: My pleasure to be with you. 


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