16 July 2017

Charlie Munger’s net worth is about 1.5 billion and as most people know, he’s Warren Buffett’s vice chairman at Berkshire Hathaway. As we’ve talked about on previous episodes, Munger is really a brilliant individual that’s considered a polymath. Few people know that Charlie is an investor with the Daily Journal Corporation in Los Angeles California. As a result, he does a question and answer period every year at the shareholder meeting. One of our good friends Hari Ramachandra was lucky enough to attend the Daily Journal meeting this year, and while he was there, he captured some of the best responses that Charlie gave.

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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  0:02  

Hey, how’s everyone doing out there? Today, we’ve got an interesting show for you that covers one of our favorite billionaires, Mr. Charlie Munger. 

Munger’s net worth is about $1.5 billion, and as most people know, he’s Warren Buffett’s vice chairman at Berkshire Hathaway. As we’ve talked about in previous episodes, Munger is really a brilliant individual that’s considered a polymath. 

But something that few people know about Charlie Munger is that he’s an investor with a Daily Journal Corporation in Los Angeles, California. As a result, he does a question and answer period every year at their annual shareholder meeting. 

One of our good friends, Hari Ramachandra was one of the few people that were lucky enough to attend the Daily Journal’s meeting this year, and while he was there, he captured some of the best comments that Charlie gave. 

So, similar to the way that we cover the Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders’ Meeting each year, get ready for an interesting show that captures one of the smartest people’s thoughts on a variety of investing topics. So, here we go.

Intro  1:01  

You’re listening to The Investor’s Podcast, where we study the financial markets and read the books that influence self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh  1:21  

All right, how’s everyone doing out there? And like we said in the introduction, we’re going to be talking about Charlie Munger today. We’re really excited to have Hari Ramachandra with us, as everyone knows, he’s part of our Mastermind Group. 

And Hari was the one who brought this one to us because Hari was privileged enough to actually attend the Daily Journal annual meeting with Charlie Munger, and it’s not a big group. I know from the video that I had access to that I watched. It was a pretty small room, Hari. It looked like there were about 100 to 200 people there at most, right?

Hari Ramachandra  1:54  

Yes, about 200 people, I would say.

Preston Pysh  1:56  

Before we start diving into some of the questions and doing our analysis of Charlie’s comments. I want to have Hari describe to us what the Daily Journal is, why Charlie Munger’s a part of it, and kind of a little bit about the meeting.

Hari Ramachandra  2:09  

Daily Journal Corporation is a publishing company. It is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. They have two divisions. One is a newspaper division, which is their traditional business. 

However, they also have a new venture, they call it Journal Technologies. And the Journal Technologies, essentially makes software, and these are case management software systems for courts and prosecutors and public defenders, and stuff like that. And this is a venture *inaudible* Munger calls it. 

And the reason Daily Journal got popular is because Munger is a longtime vice chairman of this company, since 1977. However, nobody paid attention until Munger invested $20 million of Daily Journal’s cash during the 2009 crash into few companies like Wells Fargo, US Bank and PASCO, and by end of 2016, that $20 million was worth $166 million in general portfolio. 


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