07 March 2024

On today’s episode, Clay Finck and Kyle Grieve share why they are so passionate about investing in stocks and why they utilize the stock market to help them achieve financial independence.

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  • How real-life examples of compounding have influenced Clay & Kyle
  • How the stock market has compounded in the US since the 1950s.
  • Why Clay and Kyle set the financial goal of becoming financially independent.
  • Why Kyle chose to utilize the stock market as his tool to achieving financial independence.
  • How an investor knows when they are ready to start investing in individual companies.
  • How to quickly disqualify an investment.
  • The best metric to filter on business quality.
  • The edge that individual investors can have in picking stocks.
  • Our favorite investing books.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:00] Clay Finck: On today’s episode. I’m joined by my co host, Kyle Grieve, to discuss why we’re so passionate about investing in stocks and why we utilize the stock market to work towards achieving financial independence. I first discovered the stock market when I was 18 years old after reading a Warren Buffett biography.

[00:00:17] Clay Finck: And a couple of years later, I discovered the content you’re listening to on this show now, and my passion for stocks has only grown from there. During this chat, Kyle and I touch on how real life examples of compounding have influenced us, why we set the financial goal of becoming financially independent, how an investor might know when they’re ready to start investing in individual companies, how to quickly disqualify investment opportunities, the edge that individual investors can have in picking stocks, our favorite investing books, and much more.

[00:00:46] Clay Finck: Also, I wanted to share some announcements related to our TIP Mastermind community, which will be included at the end of this episode. There’s some very exciting things coming up with the community, including a Q& A with Brett Kelly, founder and CEO of Kelly Partners Group, as well as a stock presentation by one of our members in a social hour discussing stock ideas and current market conditions later this month.

[00:01:08] Clay Finck: We’re also nearing our limit of 150 members. To learn more, be sure to stick around until the very end of this episode. With that, I bring you today’s chat with my co host, Kyle Grieve.

[00:01:23] Intro: Celebrating 10 years, you are listening to The Investor’s Podcast Network. Since 2014, we studied the financial markets and read the books that influenced self made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected now for your hosts, Clay Finck and Kyle Grieve.

[00:01:51] Clay Finck: Welcome to The Investor’s Podcast. I’m your host, Clay Finck. And today I’m so happy to be joined by my co host, Kyle Grieve. It’s always great to connect with you on the show. So one of the wonderful things that we do, Kyle, as host here at TIP is help people learn how to invest, or at least hopefully help people learn how to invest.

[00:02:11] Clay Finck: And investing is something that we’re both very passionate about. And I think we both generally think it’s really important to know, understand and know what sort of role it plays in our lives. And they say that there are no free lunches in life, but. When I first learned about investing when I was around 18 years old, it sure felt like one of the closest things to a free lunch I’ve ever found.

[00:02:34] Clay Finck: And the reason for that really is because of the power of compounding and the freedom that investing can give us. And really the premise of this episode is to share some of the things that Kyle and I have learned over the years and why we’re so passionate about this topic of investing in. I wanted to start by sharing a story of a family member that passed away a few years ago.

[00:02:58] Clay Finck: So my grandfather. He passed away when I was very young, in the 1990s, so I really never knew him. And then it was some years later, my grandmother, she remarried to a farmer from the area where she lived and where I grew up. And for those in the audience who have read the very popular book, The Millionaire Next Door, this guy was really the classic example of the millionaires they studied in this book.

[00:03:23] Clay Finck: He was very frugal. He worked for much of his life and he really understood the power of compounding very early as he was very interested in investing. And then I think for a lot of people that knew him, they would have never guessed, he became as wealthy as he did. I’d certainly don’t know the details, but I know he certainly.


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