02 September 2024

In today’s episode, Shawn O’Malley (@Shawn_OMalley_) breaks down different investors’ approaches to finding the best of the best companies to own. It’s a strategy known as Quality Investing, and it differs from value investing because quality investors are more focused on finding companies to own forever, as opposed to selling them if they rise above their current intrinsic value.

You’ll learn how definitions of quality vary, how quality investing is still rooted in value investing, what the patterns and building blocks of high-quality companies are, why pricing power is a great way to identify quality businesses, how Chuck Akre approaches quality investing, what Jim Collins’ research on enduringly great companies reveals, and how Chris Mayer finds stocks with 100-to-1 returns—plus so much more!



  • How Quality Investing traces back to Ben Graham
  • What quality investing is generally, and how it differ from other strategies
  • What are the patterns and building blocks of quality businesses
  • Why pricing power is so important to quality stocks
  • How Chuck Akre’s three-legged stool approach to quality investing works
  • What Jim Collins’ intensive study of enduringly great companies reveals for investors
  • How Chris Mayer finds stocks that generate 100-to-1 returns
  • How to define and determine whether a company has a winning corporate culture
  • Why quality investing is really an art form
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:03] Shawn O’Malley: Hey guys, welcome to the Millennial Investing podcast. I’m your host, Shawn O’Malley. On today’s episode, I’ll be going through what it means to be an investor who specializes in owning only the best of the best companies, which is what some refer to as quality investing, in contrast with value investing or growth investing.

[00:00:22] Shawn O’Malley: Quality investors focus on only owning companies for the long term, companies that they can truly buy and hold forever. Quality investors want to find the company’s position to deliver the best compounded returns, and they’re not necessarily afraid to pay a fair price to own such great businesses.

[00:00:37] Shawn O’Malley: Whereas value investors may sell a stock if its price exceeds their estimate of intrinsic value, quality investors are more inclined to continue holding companies even if they temporarily have expensive valuations. They’re more focused on finding companies that fit their mold of quality, and once they have, they typically want to hold on to them.

[00:00:54] Shawn O’Malley: While rare, there are instances of such companies who can generate above average returns for decades, and there is a blueprint for finding them. Investors like Chris Mayer and Chuck Akre have made a living identifying these types of companies, while others like Jim Collins have spent years researching what makes some special companies not only built to last the test of time, but also to outperform the market over long expanses.

[00:01:16] Shawn O’Malley: In breaking down the DNA of companies that generate the best long term returns for investors, I’ll share the wisdom I learned from experts on the topic like Chris Mayer, Chuck Akre, Lawrence Cunningham, and Jim Collins. It’s an approach to investing that really resonates with me personally, yet it can sound deceptively simple.

[00:01:34] Shawn O’Malley: Finding truly quality businesses to own is no easy feat, but it can be incredibly rewarding too. With that, I hope you enjoyed today’s episode on quality investing and let’s get right to it.

[00:01:48] Intro: Celebrating 10 years, you are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Since 2014, we have been value investors go to source for studying legendary investors, understanding timeless books and breaking down great businesses. Now for your host, Shawn O’Malley.

[00:02:15] Shawn O’Malley: As with a lot of things in stock investing today, quality investing traces back to the 1930s with Benjamin Graham. Graham is, of course, the author of The Intelligent Investor and the founding father of value investing, but he recognized that there are more factors involved in intelligent investing than just cheapness.

[00:02:32] Shawn O’Malley: Graham classified stocks as either quality or low quality and observed that the greatest losses in markets typically came not from buying quality companies at high prices, but from buying low quality stocks, even at low prices that seem like good value. As Warren Buffett put it in his usually clever way, you want to own businesses so wonderful that they can be run by idiots because sooner or later they will be.


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