04 January 2024

In today’s episode, Stig Brodersen podcasts about his journey into financial freedom.


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  • Why people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a year
  • The tipping point for Stig
  • Why most people don’t want to be financially independent. 
  • Why money can – sort of – buy you happiness
  • How much money one needs to retire
  • How to define financial independence
  • Why you (maybe) need equity to achieve financial independence
  • How to value private businesses 
  • What do you do when you reach your number? What is your why? 
  • Why you should have negotiables and non-negotiables 
  • How to avoid lifestyle creeps
  • Why financial independence is a lonely journey
  • Why the journey is the best part


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:03] Stig Brodersen: I’ve always been a daydreamer and one thing I always dreamed of. No, one thing I was naively sure of was that I wanted to be financial independent, but I just wasn’t sure how. And on my 29th birthday, I just started teaching at a local college and my wife is finishing up her PhD in economics at the time.

[00:00:21] Stig Brodersen: So now seemed to be the time to make moves or so I thought. So decision number one, we wanted to keep our expenses low. So I fired up Excel, created a budget for how much money we could save every month, made assumptions on investment returns, and figured out that on two salaries, we could likely be financially independent by the time we were 45.

[00:00:44] Stig Brodersen: Today we are 40. Everything has changed multiple times. And I want to share my key takeaways in our journey to financial freedom. Now this episode is far from a step by step guide. It’s my naive journey into financial independence. It’s about the successes and even more about the failures. It’s a story about what I learned that perhaps some of it would be useful for you and perhaps it won’t. We all shape our experiences, upbringing, and environment. So here we go. This is my story. Nothing more and nothing less.

[00:01:21] Intro: Since 2014, and through more than 180 million downloads, we’ve studied the financial markets and read the books that influence self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected. Now for your host, Stig Brodersen.

[00:01:46] Stig Brodersen: You’re listening to The Investor’s Podcast. I’m your host, Stig Brodersen, and I’m very excited about telling you about my journey into financial independence and to give you structure in this episode, I divided up into 13 sections. Now these are not chronological, but they’re aimed to be somewhat in that order to allow me to deviate into various stories.

[00:02:07] Stig Brodersen: And it goes directly into the first point, which is about how most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade. Now, I started The Investor’s Podcast Network, and I might be calling that just TIP the rest of the episode. So please bear with me. And I did that together with my co-founder Preston Pysh back in 2014.

[00:02:28] Stig Brodersen: At the time we were very much influenced by online businesses. And what the main focus was to talk about Warren Buffett and his investment strategy. The people who looked toward the industry were not stock investors, but those who set up online businesses. We even bought and still own the URL createpassiveincome.com, and we never used it, but it says something about where our head was at, at the time that we started the company. Now we make the conscious decision that we didn’t want to make any money in the first year and completely focus on growing our audience. So, my wife and I had two full time salaries, no kids and we were both teaching.


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  • Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members.
  • Stig’s blog post on his portfolio and track record since 2014.
  • Stig and Clay’s podcast episode on Stig’s return since 2014 | Youtube Video.
  • Check out the criteria of companies in the UK that Stig is interested in buying.
  • Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here.
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